10 Day Gratitude Challenge: How To Jumpstart Your Life

Gratitude has a surprisingly powerful impact on the quality of lives that human beings lead. By way of example, research shows that maintaining a daily gratitude challenge journal resulted in a 15% increase in one’s level of optimism.

It’s quite common to hear people whining about how their parents frustrate them, or how their spouses annoy them or better still how their bosses exploit them.

We all have that time when we seem to be going through a rough patch in life. During such challenging moments, however, it is essential to remember that our willingness to be grateful contributes immensely to the ability to deal with tough times.

The same mindset that enables one to show gratitude also helps one to become a positive thinker and have hope that all will be well. It’s therefore essential for one to show appreciation all the time as it contributes to happiness and general well-being of a person.

If you have been struggling with feelings of ingratitude, here are few tips on how to carry out a ten days gratitude challenge that could completely change your life.

1. Keep a Gratitude Journal

A personal gratitude journal or log should be uniquely designed for an individual. Everybody has their unique circumstances, and thus, we all have different things to be thankful for. The journal should contain items such as five small ways in which one can show gratitude, two people one can show appreciation or even personal talents that one is grateful for.

2. Begin With Self-Love

The first to do item on one’s gratitude journal should be finding something about oneself that one feels proud of and is therefore grateful for. It could be a unique ability, skill, or talent that one possesses and feels thankful for. It could also be something private that concerns one’s body that they like.

3. Practice Makes Perfect

Don’t stop being grateful for any reason. Being thankful is an art that is mastered eventually if one keeps doing it very often, no matter the circumstances they are in. Therefore, embrace life’s situations with positivity and show gratitude for little things that matter.

4. Focus on a Holistic Lifestyle

Being grateful is something that one should aim to do throughout their lives, owing to the benefits of a gratitude challenge. During the ten days, therefore, one ought to aim at doing away with feelings of depression, anger, fear, or any other negative emotions which derail progress.

The challenge is intended to enable one to cope with negativity in an upfront manner by looking for an opportunity in every challenge that life presents and being thankful for it.

Gratitude Challenge

Utilize the ten days to train yourself how to be a grateful individual irrespective of the prevailing circumstances. Take time to focus on the positive aspects of life and be thankful for them. The lessons acquired over the gratitude challenge should then be applied throughout life.

For more insights regarding how to lead a holistic life, visit our service blog.

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