My mother never fed us processed foods, so from a very young age I realized that what we eat has a huge effect on our health. I made it a point of avoiding junk food, specially when it came to my sons. Sugar and processed foods were out.

Almost 30 years later, health has become an even more important issue. We are bombarded with processed foods low in nutrition and high in pesticides and other cancer causing chemicals.

A few years ago my dearest friend was diagnosed with Breast Cancer and she asked that I do research on Holistic Treatments. This started me on a journey that would fuel a passion to share the wealth of knowledge that is among us to prevent chronic diseases. Although, I had already worked in Medical Tourism that had exposed me to Holistic doctors around the world, my research and new found vision brought me here to HolisticHotspot.org.

Where my goal is to provide you with the information you need to help guide you towards a healthier life which includes your MIND, BODY, & SOUL.

Thank you for stopping by,

Monica Estrada

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