What’s The Connection Between Melatonin And Breast Cancer?

Breast cancer is something many women dread – it can seemingly happen to anyone. However, by remaining educated and making healthy lifestyle choices, women are able to combat it to the best of their ability. 

Now, it’s become well established that low amounts of melatonin have a direct effect on breast cancer cells. Read on to learn the link between melatonin and breast cancer, and holistic ways to combat it!

What is Melatonin? 

Melatonin is a hormone produced within the pineal gland, the gastrointestinal tract, and lymphocytes. It’s under the control of the light/dark cycle and is in peak production in the dark phase of a 24-hour cycle.

It plays a role in sleep – when there’s an increase in melatonin you feel sleepy, and when it’s decreased you’re more awake. People use melatonin supplements in order to combat sleep disorders, such as insomnia, jet lag, and shift work disorder. 

Melatonin and Breast Cancer

There have been many studies that confirm that melatonin and the onset of breast cancer are closely related. For instance, in 1987 Richard Stevens formed the hypothesis that women who are exposed to light at night (LAN) have higher rates of breast cancer.

Rodent studies confirmed this hypothesis, along with epidemiological evidence of higher cancer rates in night shift workers. In a 2008 landmark study that utilized US Defense Meteorological Satellite Program data, they used LAN and breast cancer incidence in 147 Israeli communities.

The communities with the highest LAN had an astoundingly high 73% higher rate of breast cancer compared to the darkest communities. This is dire news for women who work night/swing shifts and have lower melatonin levels.

Reduce Your Breast Cancer Risk

Even if you work at night, there are many things within your control that can help you lower your breast cancer risk!  


This is the most important factor in lowering your breast cancer risk. A whole foods diet that is rich in nutrients, fiber, and antioxidants is recommended because of its cancer-preventive activity. Standout foods include: 

  • Wild-caught fish 
  • Cruciferous vegetables
  • Berries
  • Flaxseeds
  • Walnuts
  • Extra-virgin olive oil
  • Green tea

Along with choosing the proper foods to eat, make sure you limit or completely eliminate alcohol from your diets. 

Sleep Optimization

Not only is it good for your melatonin levels, getting the optimal amount of sleep will help balance your hormones and support your immune health. If this is a challenge for you, look for a sleep supplement such as melatonin to help you naturally fall to sleep. 


Exercise consistently reduces breast cancer risk by 12 to 60%. Exercise can even help prevent breast pre-cancer. 

Manage Your Stress

Don’t consider de-stressing as a luxury. It’s actually a necessity that you can’t afford to slack on. Chronic stress contributes to breast cancer along with other kinds of cancer. 

Many studies show that meditation, mindfulness, and yoga and the best strategies to effectively manage your stress. 

Living Holistically 

Ready to learn more about how living holistically can reduce your breast cancer risk, especially in the case of melatonin and breast cancer? 

Head on over to Holistic Hotspot where you can search for doctors that practice holistic medicine. 

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